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If you have any questions about the services we offer or want to learn more about frontier tech, feel free to get in touch with us.

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Frequently asked questions


Are you actively doing investments?

Yes, we’re actively investing. Our main investment solutions mainly consist of Public Markets and Private Markets under which we have various funds, SMAs, and SPVs.


What requirements should I meet to invest in the funds?

To invest in our funds, you must meet the following requirements: - Be a US Citizen - Be an accredited Investor - Make a minimum investment of $250,000


What is adoption maximalism and why do we emphasize it?

Adoption maximalism is a practical strategy for assessing investments in blockchain technology. By focusing on adoption and usage, investors can pinpoint projects with a high likelihood of success, steer clear of hype and speculation, and leverage the distinctive features of blockchain technology.

Evaluating blockchain adoption as a long-term, secular trend offers a more precise and meaningful perspective on the technology's potential impact across various industries and sectors. This approach considers the gradual and consistent growth of blockchain applications, as well as the challenges and barriers that may hinder their adoption.

We utilize smart contract platforms, the fundamental infrastructure for most blockchain applications and platforms, as an indicator of the overall adoption of the technology.


Why Frontier Tech?

Frontier technology refers to innovative and emerging technologies that have the potential to significantly transform industries. Frontier technology includes everything from blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the Internet of Things (IoT) and Virtual Reality (VR).
Frontier Tech is a focus for P21 because it has shown promising and steady growth, and it is rapidly being adopted by institutions.


How can I get in touch to pitch my company?

To pitch your company you can share your pitch deck and any other relevant materials at