Our Team

Our team of seasoned professionals, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to drive innovation and success.

Hamiz Awan
Hamiz Awan
Founder, Partner, Quant and Technology Lead
Richard Raizes
Richard Raizes
Partner, Fundamental Research LeaD
Daniyal Awan
Daniyal Awan
Partner, Legacy Investments LeaD
Brad Herman
Brad Herman
Delivery and Partner Success
Narmeen Merchant
Narmeen Merchant
Growth & StrategY
Tahir Sultan
Tahir Sultan
Product & TechnologY
Malghalara Farooq
Malghalara Farooq
Legal & CompliancE
Danyaal Pai
Danyaal Pai
Naseer Ahmed
Naseer Ahmed
Sarosh Rao
Sarosh Rao
Hamiz Awan
Hamiz Awan
Founder, Partner, Quant and Technology Lead
Hamiz Awan
Richard Raizes
Partner, Fundamental Research LeaD